WorldInfo ( Memorial )

Cette partie du code vrml est rarement interactive . 

Je m'y suis vu insulté une fois ce qui aurait pu conduire à de nouveaux ébats si la générosité du procédé  avait pu être partagée .

Joseph DeLappe laisse des informations sur le monde que nous vivons , dans les mondes où nous jouons .

"I enter the online US Army recruiting game, "America's Army", in order to manually type the name, rank and date of death of each service person who has died to date in Iraq. The work is essentially a fleeting, online memorial to those military personnel who have been killed in this ongoing conflict."

Un memorial online .









not forgotten

Starshyne's Park


Sommaire................ Intro


WorldInfo ( Memorial )

This part of code vrml is seldom interactive. 

I saw myself there insulted once what could have led to new frolicking if the generosity of the process could have been shared.

 Joseph DeLappe leaves information on the world which we live, in the worlds where we play. 

"I enter the online US Army recruiting game, "America's Army", in order to manually type the name, rank and date of death of each service person who has died to date in Iraq. The work is essentially a fleeting, online memorial to those military personnel who have been killed in this ongoing conflict."

A memorial online .











not forgotten

Starshyne's Park


Summary................ Intro