Time / Parent

I kept a few objects from my parents .

One of them is a clock we had during years in the kitchen .

The kitchen is the place where all the family stands together , as you know .
During years .

I dont use that clock , I really dont want to watch it each day ,
but to day I made that , who knows why ?

In VRML it is easy to have a clock working well ,
but I just used the clock as an image 3D .

Who knows why ?


Vrml.......................... artvrml/wrl/horlogeparents2.wrl

Sommaire................ Intro


Time / Parent

Transform{children[Shape{appearance Appearance{
material Material{diffuseColor 1 0 0}}
geometry DEF text_heure Text{fontStyle    FontStyle
{family "TYPEWRITER"    style    "BOLD" size 16    justify    "MIDDLE"}}}]}
DEF    declenche TimeSensor{loop TRUE cycleInterval 60       }
DEF    montre_script Script{
eventIn    SFFloat    heure
field    SFInt32 h 0
field    SFInt32 m 0   
field    SFInt32 s 0   
field    SFString H ""
field    SFString M ""
field    SFString S ""
eventOut MFString    texte   
url["javascript:function heure(){
ilest= new Date();
if (h<=9){H='0'+h;}
else{H=h;}if (m<=9){M='0'+m;}else{M=m;}
if (s<=9){S='0'+s;}
ROUTE    declenche.fraction_changed TO    montre_script.heure   
ROUTE    montre_script.texte    TO text_heure.string


Contents................ Intro