
unity 3d ...chats...smartfox

After many tryings we will have soon unity 3d worlds on mixed3d

* Needs to install and to run SmartFox server :

» Installing on Linux

Since version 1.5 SmartFoxServer comes with its own x86 32-bit Sun Java Runtime.
Follow these steps to get started:
1. open a terminal window and move to the folder where you have downloaded the file.
2. type "gzip -d filename.tar.gz" to extract the .tar file (where "filename" is the name of the downloaded file)
3. type "tar xf filename.tar" to extract the files.
4. move inside the uncompressed folder and type ./install

Follow the simple instructions on screen and once you're done you can safely delete the downloaded folder.
To start the server move to the {installation-directory}/Server folder and type ./sfs start

The complete list of commands is the following:

./sfs start Start the server
./sfs stop Stop the server
./sfs restart Restart the server
./sfs status Show the current status of the server ( running / not running etc... )

Installing SmartFoxServer as a Linux daemon:
In order to install SmartFoxServer as a daemon you will need root priviliges.

The simplest method is to move to the /etc/rcX.d folder (where X is your current runlevel)
From there type: ln -s path-to-your-script S99sfs
This will create a symbolic link to the start script in the rcX.d folder. On the next restart the server will be launched as daemon

Example: (root privileges needed)
Suppose your runlevel is 5 (multiuser mode + GUI)

1. Move in the rc5.d folder: cd /etc/rc5.d
2. Create a symbolic link to the start script : ln -s /home/john/SFS_PRO_1.3.0/Server/sfs S99sfs
(assuming your server was installed in /home/john)

The server will be started as a daemon on the next restart








unity 3d  . ...chats............SFS2X_linux32_2_0_0RC1b.tar.gz

» Installing under Linux

We provide two separate .tar.gz archives for 32 and 64 bit systems that allow you to deploy SFS2X under any Linux distributions.

In order to install the server, make sure to choose the correct installer (32bit or 64bit), then open a terminal window and follow these steps:

  • move to the directory where the installer is located
  • uncompress with: tar xf {name-of-installer}


$ cd /home/fozzie
$ tar xf SFS2X_linux_2_0_0RC1.tar.gz

» Running SmartFoxServer 2X

You can run SFS2X as a service using the sfs2x-service script. It provides the following switches:

  • start (start the server)
  • stop (stop the server)
  • status (show the current status)
  • restart (restart the server)

In order to start SmartFoxServer, move to the installation folder and start the server with: ./sfs2x-service start
For example:

$ cd /home/fozzie/SFS2X-RC1/SFS2X/
$ ./sfs2x-service start

If any startup problem should occur, you can check the log files under {sfs-install-dir}/logs and {sfs-install-dir}/logs/boot.

In alternative you can execute the sfs2x script to run the server in standalone mode and see the logs directly in the terminal (useful for development). For example:

$ cd /home/fozzie/SFS2X-RC1/SFS2X/
$ ./sfs2x.sh

» Uninstalling SmartFoxServer 2X

In order to completely remove SFS2X from your system proceed as follows:

  • stop the server if it's running
  • remove the entire installation folder via GUI (drag and drop in the Trash Bin) or via terminal, like this: rm -rf {sfs-install-dir}

Please notice that this operation is not reversible and all server settings will be lost.

» Configuring the OS file descriptors limit

Under Linux file descriptors are used to abstract not only open files but also socket connections. If your SFS2X application receives a lot of traffic it might start complaining with a "Too many open files" error.

By default most Linux distributions are set to a maximum of 1024 file descriptors: each time you open a file or a socket connection you use one of these descriptors and when you reach the maximum you get the error mentioned above. You can check the value currently set in your system by typing this command in a terminal window:

ulimit -n

The value returned by the command is the current limit of your OS for all open files and open socket connections. In order to raise this value you can use the same command followed by a new value, for example:

ulimit -n 20000

» Using port numbers <= 1024

Under Linux and Unix running the server on port numbers less than or equal to 1024 requires root privileges.

» Installing SmartFoxServer 2X as a daemon

In order to install SFS2X as a daemon you will need root priviliges.

The simplest method is to move to the /etc/rcX.d folder (where X is your current runlevel). From there type: ln -s {path-to-sfs2x-service-script} S99sfs2X
This will create a symbolic link to the start script in the rcX.d folder. On the next restart the server will be launched as a daemon.

For example, supposing you have root privileges and your runlevel is 5 (multiuser mode + GUI):

$ cd /etc/rc5.d
$ ln -s /home/fozzie/SFS2X-RC1/SFS2X/sfs2x-service S99sfs2X





